1 thought on “barber jewelry wholesale Why is money a gift of God?”

  1. wholesale real jade jewelry God has worked hard to create people in order to make people live well in the world and better manage the world, but many people are still suffering. This is not God's will.
    God gives money as a gift to humans. This is the blessing of God to man. With a full wallet, the talent can live better and more dignified in the society.
    The pursuit of money is not sin. This is a sign of the blessing. Everyone must strive to fight for such honors and fight for such blessings. On the contrary, life without money is God's abandonment and punishment.
    In legitimate methods to obtain legitimate money, use your own wisdom and resources, so that you can stand at the top of the crowd to get God's best and most gifts.
    Mo how to write the word "money" in ancient times, that's not the same as it is now. The money of traditional characters should be added by two knives next to the gold. Then vividly expressed the true significance of money: money is the result of two coupons or protection. If you have money, there are fighting, so you need to protect it. This is just the old saying: "There are two money in the money, and the ancient and modern people are hurt." And "Ge" everyone knows that it means the ancient weapon, that is, in order to get the money, it is necessary to move. Hurt your brain, hurt your labor, and hurt your feelings; how many people also fold their waist and humble their knees, and change their souls and flesh; some people regard "money" as dung, and never stick to all unrighteous wealth. Fold the waist.
    But two thousand years ago, when the Chinese sages were still advocating "gentlemen are more important than righteousness, villains are more than profit", "righteous gentlemen", "giving birth to righteousness", and trying to indicate that they are gentlemen instead of villains, When the word "Li" and the word "money" are retreated. The Labi of the Jewish religion has already begun to educate their compatriots. "Survival", "Money gave us the opportunity to buy gifts from God." In short, from the perspective of Jews, money is a tool for life and should work hard to own it. Money is a successful Peugeot and a tool for achieving the value of life. No money has not even God's gift. So "Money is the blessing to a good life and a gift of God."
    The money is not pitiful, only poverty is poor, it is God's punishment. "You don't make financial management, ignore you", you don't love money, there is no strong possessive desire for money, how can money come to ignore you. They believe in the wisdom of "Talmad", and they are convinced that getting rich can be taught in the future. They believe that it is not easy to succeed, and they must cultivate the concept of successful becoming rich in the next generation from an early age. In their wandering fate, they are not exotic residents, but the unique nation of mastering fate and wealth.
    Is mentioned Jewish, and the impression of ordinary people is: Jews are nations that are born to make money, and even a very interesting saying: money all over the world is in American pockets, and Americans' money But in Jewish pockets. Although in the United States, Jews accounted for only 2 % of the total population, one -third of the millionaires in the United States were Jews. Jews in the world account for only 0.3 %, but of the world's more than 30 billion US dollars in the world, the proportion of Jews accounts for 75 %; among the 500 richest entrepreneurs in the world, Jews account for half; The Jews occupied 40 % of the wealth in the United States; the rich of the Jewish rich sneezed, and all the banks in the world were going to catch a cold; the five Jewish consortiums could control the economy of the entire world.
    The most convincing thing about Jews is their amazing wealth and ability to make money. With the clever wisdom passed down from generation to generation, they have become the most profitable nation in the world. Whether in the global financial community, academic or even scientific community, they have always taken the lead.
    An Jews have a unique method of financial education for children. They will send stocks to children who are just full of age. This is the practice of their nation, especially the Jews in North America.
    When children are three years old, their parents will start teaching them to identify coins and banknotes; at the age of five, let them know that the coins can buy anything they want and tell them how the money is made; You have to understand the price of the product label and deepen the concept of money to change money. At the age of eight, he taught them to make money through work and exist in the bank; The illusion, and implement the expense plan for more than two weeks, know how to use the bank's term correctly.
    The petroleum tycoon Dali Rockefeller is a Jew. He asked his child to write down every expense of today before going to bed, and even tell him where to buy cheaper products. His purpose is to tell the child Learn to live a frugal life.
    David Rockefeller was very young. His father asked him to make money himself. He always did a lot of work in elementary school to accumulate a little money. His father taught them to be wasteful and not to be idle at an early age. To work hard, we must have the ambition to earn more money, and have a long -term vision, but we must take it. His doctoral dissertation is: unused resources and economic waste.
    , and he also taught his children in the future: People have an impulse to money, and they must be controlled, otherwise they will be devastating, destroy individuals, and destroy the family.
    The Jews were encouraged to be unaware, and they entered the "money" in a regular manner, which is unique among the nations around the world. When the Jewish merchants in this cultural context make money, they have no hinders. They are very practical. As long as the form is not over, they do everything. In their eyes, as long as they are favorable, diamonds and coffin business are no different. Therefore, it is often inseparable from other nation's thoughts, and the Jews easily obtain a monopoly position and high profits.
    The pursuit of money is not the same as that of simple goldism. Some people are just on the surface. In fact, they are completely a gold worship. Do. But the correct money is different. It just makes us recognize the huge role of money. It has an impartial pursuit of money, just like we want to get a gift from our parents. When we have the right mind, we will work hard to fight for money and use a legitimate way to get this blessing given by God.
    So a person should not be ashamed of pursuing money. After all, money is an indispensable thing in our lives, just like the sunshine and rain dew in life. What you want to do is easier to do; you can do things other than survival if you have money. Nourishing.
    The words "Money is not universal, but no money is absolutely impossible." Although it is exaggerated, it is a huge role of money. In addition to giving people a rich material life, money also makes people's spiritual world richer and exciting, and can make people move forward on the road of life.
    The people who are clamoring "Money Copper Stink" are not money that do not want everything, but just a way to say grape acid when they are not available. And some people with high ethics, they are willing to donate their money because they already have enough money, and they need enough money to be supported to do good things.
    The story of JP Morgan's change in the status of a young man in the interview.
    The Jewish guy who once served in military service in the Navy, his name is Isaac. When he first arrived in the army, he lived unhappy, because those white soldiers often cursed him, and even deliberately used some pranks to tease him, which embarrassed him.
    The was like this at that time! Although the Jews had already become a member of the American people, everyone was almost dedicated to the stability and development of the United States, and many people even became the main field in various fields. But even so, they are still unpopular, and unjust treatment and discrimination are added to them for the reason, making them miserable.
    Sews, especially the Jewish soldiers who served in the army, were particularly humiliated. In the army, white soldiers cursed them with hatred with hatred, but also even missed and ridiculed them in person. Although these Jewish soldiers are very annoyed by this, what can they do? Do you sue to superiors? Most of the officers are also white. How can they host justice for Jewish soldiers? But everyone knows that the Jews have never been "soft soft "Persimmon", the blood flowing in their bodies is the blood that never sucked easily, of course, it will not make people bully arbitrarily. He thought that since he couldn't rely on others, rely on his own wisdom to change this situation.
    Since then, Isaac saves money every day and finally accumulated a small money. However, if you think he wants to use this money to please the white soldiers, then you are very wrong, but he wants to use this money to lend to the white soldiers! Because although the white soldiers at the time were superior, they usually had all there were usually there were usually there were usually there were all. Spending the problem of spending big hands, the allowances sent by the troops to them are not enough to squander at all. Therefore, Isaac began to lend to them.
    Essac is the kind of "usury loan" with high interest with high interest, and requires: "You must return it within a month, otherwise you must use valuable items to be mortgaged." White soldiers naturally knew usury loan and merged and merged and merged with merging and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and merged and had a lot of profit loan and he had loaned merger and had a lot of money and and had a large profit loan. It is not easy to borrow, but the shy status in the pocket has made them no longer care about it. When they learned that Isaac had money to borrow, they rushed to borrow money from Isaac.
    has not been long after, and Alzak's life has undergone tremendous changes. Not only did he live in a worry -free life, but also bought a high -end car, which became a veritable "soldier" in the army. You know, such a life, even those senior officers are expected, but Azak, an ordinary Jewish soldier can easily realize it.
    It from this, we can see that property is really a gift from Heaven, which is a guarantee for us to live more moisturizing in the world. God let everyone come to the world to suffer. We are here to enjoy life, but if you enjoy the basic guarantee of life, you ca n’t live well.
    Therefore, everyone must take the role of money correctly, pay attention to the role of money, learn how to get money, and satisfy their material life and spiritual life.

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